My World Simplified’s Birthday Giveaway

My World Simplified’s

5th Birthday Giveaway

My World Simplified’s 5th Birthday Giveaway started on May 1st. Your already a little late if you don’t follow me on Facebook. The giveaway has started with my most popular recipe No Bake Cheesecake Bites so I decided to Giveaway a hand mixer.


Don’t worry if you missed that one! Every Tuesday a new giveaway will start with my other top 4 all time recipes. A total of 5 gifts will be sent out to 5 lucky winners. You should watch all my social media and here for ways to enter.

Here is how to find me:






Week 2 Giveaway ended

The next Giveaway will start tomorrow May 8th. It involves one of my favorite sweet treats. I guess its all my readers too. A nice new coffee pot will be perfect to make Easy Coffee Frosting. You can only enter on Instagram and only by posting a picture of your World. Everyone see’s My World all the time so show my some of yours. Food, family, outdoors, whatever just keep it clean! One random Winner will be notified by Direct Message on Instagram.

The rules for the Coffee Pot Giveaway are simple. 

  1. Post a picture of Your World on Instagram (Must be posted May 8-14)
  2. Use the hashtags #MWSbday #MyWorldSimplified 
  3. A random winner will be selected from the above hashtags. 

Good Luck and thanks for supporting me all these years. Watch out next week for the next giveaway, It’s really sharp!

Week 3 Giveaway Ended 

Time for week 3 giveaway! It starts May 15th. It goes along with a fresh recipe that I make all summer!  Amish Broccoli Cauliflower Salad takes a lot of chopping so the perfect gift to give is a set of knives. I actually have a set of these in my house. So lets get to how you can enter. This Knife Set giveaway will take place on twitter.

The rules for the Knife Set Giveaway:

1. Tweet this:  Happy Birthday @MyWorldSimplifi I want to #win a #Knifeset and so does

2. Tag a friend in the tweet

3. A random winner will be selected on May 21st.

Good luck and don’t forget to check back next week for a hole new giveaway.

Week 4 Giveaway Ended

Week Fours giveaway is here (May 22nd) and the hole is in the lid of this amazing pasta pot that is perfect to make my Homemade Macaroni and Cheese recipe.  Its perfectly cheesy and super easy. This giveaway is as simple as the others. A simple show and tell!

Rules for the Pasta Pot Giveaway:

  1. On Twitter, Facebook or Instagram create a post telling me your favorite type of cheese or topping for Macaroni and Cheese.
  2. Tag My World Simplified
  3. use the hashtag #MWSCheesy
  4. Must be done between May 22-28, 2018  A random winner will be selected on May 28th.

Good Luck and make sure to check back next week for the final My World Simplified’s Birthday Giveaway!

Week 5 Giveaway


Its the final Birthday Giveaway!!!! This one goes along with my go to fast dinner. It works when you forgot to take something out of the freezer, the Kielbasa can be cut frozen! Kielbasa and Rice Casserole is a one pan, 15 minute meal. So I figured I would giveaway my favorite skillet to make it in.

The entry for this is simple:

1. Enter the Rafflecopter (May 29- June 4)

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