Bear Naked Granola goes Custom
Everyone knows Bear Naked granola is the best around but did you know that you can create your own custom blend Bear Naked granola? Yes you can and you even get to name it and choose the character on the can!
I travel a great deal and need a snack to travel with me. Just recently I was preparing to drive to Alabama when I decided to plan ahead on my snack instead of eating unspeakable things you find at truck stops and fueling stations across our great country! I found Bear Naked Custom Granola. That peaked my curiosity and I clicked over to the site.
I was kinda surprised at the items pictured not the front page of their website. Things like Jalapeños’ and kale alongside chocolate and walnuts. Let me tell you the possibilities are practically endless! Right from the first page you have to decide between 3 basic flavors of granola. I choose the cocoa plus cashew butter.
The next page is where the problems come in. There are over 50 items to choose from and you only get to choose 3!!! See the dilemma is really in creating only 1 canister. I ended up taking 2 days to decide my correct flavor profile and my only regret is that I didn’t order all three types of granola with different flavors in each.
So after I added and deleted what seemed like hundreds of options I finally settled for: white wine flavoring (no its not alcoholic) Pepita seeds and Dried Cherries. One of the great features of Bear Naked Custom Granola is that they let you know how well those flavors work together. Now if you want some off the wall crazy concoction you can still order it but there is a cool little meter that tells you how the flavor profile works together.
I got my Bear Munchies (yes you get to name your creation and pick the character on the can, mine was Frank) just in time for my road trip! Before the sun rose on our trip I was hungry and we were in the middle of the Osceola Forest with no where to stop. At a rest stop, I got out my can of granola and started munching on it. Then I was giggling as I realized I was in the forest where there are bears. Did the bears out in the dark woods want some of my bear munchies?

I again got hungry after lunch as we were just arriving in Alabama. So we got out my yummy granola as we walked in the beautiful sugar sand. The Gulf of Mexico is so pretty! Great tip with this Bear Naked Custom Granola is that you can use the lid as your munchie tray! Keeps your hands from getting messy.
Ok so the best part of ordering a can of this amazing Bear Custom Granola is that the shipping is free and the price is perfect so you can order that second combination anyway! Plus they like My World Simplified so much they gave me a special code to share with my reader to receive 10% off your next order. Enter SHARE10 at the checkout to save!