Spring Salad with Scallops and Strawberry Vinaigrette #SundaySupper

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Spring Salad with Scallops and Strawberry Vinaigrette #SundaySupper

Spring is in the air for parts of America. Whether your weather is telling you its spring or not this Spring Salad with Scallops is sure you make you feel like its spring. This recipe is so full of bright colors and flavors its the perfect dish to serve. Its full of bright greens, and spring vegetables paired along with quail eggs and scallops. To make it even more perfect add my easy to make strawberry vinaigrette.

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Spring Salad with Scallops and Strawberry Vinaigrette is sure to be your go to spring recipe. This recipe will be part of the Sunday Supper Movement’s Welcoming Spring Recipe Collection. Sunday Supper is something new I joined a few weeks ago. Its something though that I have been passionate about for a long time not knowing others were too. Sunday Supper is about bringing loved ones around the table to enjoy a meal together. We celebrate this daily in our home and always have since I have been on my own. Below my recipe you will find my friends involved in Sunday Suppers great spring recipes too!

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Spring Salad with Scallops and Strawberry Vinaigrette Recipe


4 tablespoons butter
1 pound sea scallops
1/4 teaspoon salt
12 boiled quail eggs (boil for 2-4 minutes and remove to ice water)
1/2 pound asparagus
1 bag spring salad mix (50/50 blend) 5 oz
1 bag romaine lettuce 9 oz
2 medium carrots ,sliced with a peeler
3 radishes, sliced
4 ounces snow pea pods
1 recipe for Strawberry Vinaigrette


In a pan on medium high heat melt butter. Lightly salt the scallops and cook them for 3 minutes on each side. Remove and set aside.

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Heat the other 2 tablespoons of butter in the same pan. Cook the asparagus for 2-4 minutes.
Layer the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy! #homemadeYUMMY

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Author: My World Simplified.com
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 pound sea scallops
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 12 boiled quail eggs (boil for 2-4 minutes and remove to ice water)
  • 1/2 pound asparagus
  • 1 bag spring salad mix (50/50 blend) 5 oz
  • 1 bag romaine lettuce 9 oz
  • 2 medium carrots ,sliced with a peeler
  • 3 radishes, sliced
  • 4 ounces snow pea pods
  1. In a pan on medium high heat melt butter. Lightly salt the scallops and cook them for 3 minutes on each side. Remove and set aside.
  2. Heat the other 2 tablespoons of butter in the same pan. Cook the asparagus for 2-4 minutes.
  3. Layer the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy! #homemadeYUMMY

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More great Spring recipes




Main Dish:

Side Dish:


Plus Spring Vegetable Minestrone and more Spring Recipes from Sunday Supper Movement

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

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