My World Taco bake #SundaySupper

Taco Bake-2

Cinco De Mayo day Bake!

This was orignally made for Cinco De May! To My World Cinco de Mayo means Mexican food!!!! According to the History Channel , Cinco de Mayo isn’t much of a holiday in Mexico. Here in the USA though it is taking off. It’s a day to celebrate Mexican heritage. Cinco de Mayo is truly a celebration of one battle in a war between the French and Mexicans.

Taco Bake

Today my family will dine on my version of Mexican food. Sorry to all the true Mexican chefs out there. No harm intended, lol, I know this is nothing like authentic Mexican food. I am calling it My World Cinco De Mayo Bake!

Ready for the oven
Ready for the oven

                                                        My World Cinco De Mayo Bake Recipe: 

taco bake pie
1-10 pack flour tortilla shells (medium size)
                            Layer one
1 lb ground beef
1 can tomatoes
1 can black beans
1 pkg taco seasoning (I make my own using about 2 tbsp chili powder, 2 tsp paprika, 2 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, and some ½ tsp cumin, I usually just eyeball it though)
                            Layer two
1 package Fresco crumbling cheese, Crumbled small
2 -8ounce pkg shredded cheese we used montery jack
                          Layer three
2 cans refried beans
Chopped tomatos
Sour cream
Fresh spinach
Chopped onion

Preheat oven to 375. Brown beef in a medium sized skillet, drain meat (I always give it a rinse with hot water) add the can of black beans, juice and all, same with the can of tomatoes. Add the taco seasoning and cook over low until slightly thickened.

Meat layer
Meat layer

In a round casserole dish (I bought a foil throw away one) spray with some non-stick spray. Place a tortilla shell in the bottom. Top with about 1/3 of each cheese, now another tortilla shell.

Cheese layers
Cheese layers

Next comes the meat mixture and another tortilla shell.

Layer of meat and tortilla
Layer of meat and tortilla

Top this shell with the refried beans and yet another shell.

Refried bean layer
Refried bean layer

Continue until it’s gone or you run out of space. Top the final layer with cheese.

Last tortilla
Last tortilla

And bake until hot and bubbly (about 20 minutes)

fully cooked and ready to slice
fully cooked and ready to slice

Let it cool a few before slicing it like a pie. We like to top ours with spinach leaves, tomato, onion, guacamole, sour cream and salsa. #homemadeYUMMY

Recipe: My World Taco bake!
Author: My World
  • 1-10 pack flour tortilla shells (medium size)
  • Layer One
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 can tomatoes
  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 pkg taco seasoning (I make my own using about 2 tbsp chili powder, 2 tsp paprika, 2 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, and some ½ tsp cumin, I usually just eyeball it though)
  • Layer Two
  • 1 package Fresco crumbling cheese, Crumbled small
  • 2 -8ounce pkg shredded cheese we used montery jack
  • Layer three
  • 2 cans refried beans
  • Toppings
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Sour cream
  • Guacamole
  • Fresh spinach
  • Salsa
  • Chopped onion
  1. Preheat oven to 375. Brown beef in a medium sized skillet, drain meat (I always give it a rinse with hot water) add the can of black beans, juice and all, same with the can of tomatoes. Add the taco seasoning and cook over low until slightly thickened.
  2. In a round casserole dish (I bought a foil throw away one) spray with some non-stick spray. Place a tortilla shell in the bottom. Top with about 1/3 of each cheese, now another tortilla shell.
  3. Next comes the meat mixture and another tortilla shell.
  4. Top this shell with the refried beans and yet another shell.
  5. Continue until it’s gone or you run out of space. Top the final layer with cheese.
  6. And bake until hot and bubbly (about 20 minutes)
  7. Let it cool a few before slicing it like a pie. We like to top ours with spinach leaves, tomato, onion, guacamole, sour cream and salsa.

My Friends over at Sunday Supper have all created Cinco De Mayo recipes too! You can get them below

Sunday Supper Easy Cinco de Mayo Recipes




Sides and Sauces



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