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This and That, Tips on Parenting

Mothers day

                            Happy Mother’s Day My memories with my mom…………………………When someone asks me about my mom, my mind goes straight to Halloween.  My mom is SUPER creative and she loved to dress up herself too!  One year we dressed up as Rubik’s cubes. Rubik’s […]

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Dinner, Recipes: Yummy in my Tummy

Beef Stroganoff

Throwback Thursday and Beef stroganoff Throwback Thursday again! This week I am throwing back to my really young years and my mom’s homemade beef and noodles! They were the best. I would come home from school and the table would be covered with noodles drying for dinner that night. Mom cooking dinner for us was […]

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This and That

Yum Earth Candy Giveaway!!!

YumEarth Organics Wishes Moms A Sweet & Healthy Mother’s Day! YumEarth Organics Gummy Bears and Lollipops and YumEarth Naturals Sour Beans are made with real fruit juice and other natural ingredients for mom’s who care. YumEarth thanks all the moms out there for their growing concern to feed their families healthier food, made with organic […]

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My Crafty Side

thumbprint keepsake craft necklace

 Prefect Craft for Mothers day My favorite thing to get for Mothers day is anything handmade. I love the cards that they put work into. M made me a special Mothers day gift this year at Girl Scouts. I am excited to get one that I didn’t have to help plan! This year I am […]

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My Crafty Side

Craft: Water Bombs

Water Bombs Summer is coming! We live in Florida and spend a lot of time in the water. I wish I had a pool but we do not. I do live very close to a community pool though. We purchase membership there every summer. Our Girl Scout troop is having a luau pool party this […]

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Schooling at Home

How we came to homeschool

How we came to Homeschool I first heard of homeschooling from the movie  Dumb and Dumber.If you have seen the movie you would know that I didn’t have a very high opinion of homeschooling. I thought homeschooling was for hippie type moms and sick children. Z was a wee little toddler when I heard it […]

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