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This and That

Community Garden

Community Garden We are very lucky to have a community garden in our neighborhood.  We can help plant and care for the produce, along with enjoying the food. Our Girl Scout Troop recently went up to the garden and helped plant. The girls were each able to pick things like carrots, green onions, cabbage and […]

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Recipes: Yummy in my Tummy

Recipe: Colored sugar

Colored Sugar Recipe: You need ¼ cup of sugar and 5-7 drops of food coloring   Place sugar is a shallow bowl. Place drops of food coloring   (remember you can add more color later, you can add more later) smash the food coloring into the sugar, I added more to make it more of […]

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Tips on Parenting

My Grandson was born

This morning my first grandson was born. He weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds and 1 ounce. He is 21 inches long.  Mother and baby are comfortably resting and trying to learn to breastfeed. He is perfect and going to be such a blessing to her life!   If only she could see how […]

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