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Product Review, Reviews

Cool Pastry Mat

Cool Pastry Mat I make a great deal of pastries, doughs, cookies, and more. Using a pastry mat cuts down on the mess. I received one from Sili Bake that does that plus some! It also has the diameters for 10” down to 5” to make pizza’s, pies, or anything simpler. The mat also includes […]

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Product Review, Reviews

Tuna Squish

tuna squish I am picky about my tuna fish. It has to be the kind in water and not oil. It also has to be squeezed dry! I can’t stand to have it all soggy. Leave the moisture for the mayo and seasonings! I usually press the lid down as hard as I can (usually […]

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Product Review, Reviews

Do you sleep with headphones?

Do you sleep with headphones? Do you sleep with headphones on? Are they uncomfortable and keep you awake? I know my son is always complaining about his headphones bothering when he tries to sleep. I found Bed Phones and thought they would be perfect for him. My son loves to dose off watching TV on […]

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This and That

Indie Book Fest Giveaway

Indie Bookfest 2014 Schedule Orlando, FL. August 8th-9th at the Buena Vista Palace Friday, August 8th. 7:00-8:00 Registration 8:15-8:55 Keynote Address- HM Ward 9:00-9:45 Session 1A (Got Flexibility?) & 1B (Got Reach?) 10:00-10:45 Session 2A (Got Serials?) & 2B (Got Gore?) 11:00-11:45 Session 3A (Got Character?) & 3B (Got Grit?) 12:00-12:45 Session 4A (Got Diversity?) […]

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A Dangerous Product

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. A Dangerous Product As my regular reader know I get products and do reviews on them. Letting you all know which ones are good and some that are even great. I have come across some odd things that were very interesting or wasn’t the greatest […]

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Product Review, Reviews

HDMI cables

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Having a HD television I know all about HDMI cables. They come in varying sizes and for various prices. Purchase a cheap one and you will know it as soon as it is installed. Get a good one that is gold plated and you will […]

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Product Review, Reviews

Ride at night with this bike light

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Ride at night with this bike light   My husband likes to ride his bike to work. Its great exercise. Our town has extra wide sidewalks and bike lanes almost everywhere. Our town also has a really high rate of car/bike accidents. My husband is […]

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The Library

An Italian Obsession Book Review

This is a different kind of novel from Kfir Luzzatto. Having read many others by him, I enjoyed this one even more than the others and this shows the versatility in his writing style. This is a love story. Roberto fell in love with Alessandra the moment he laid eyes on her briefly in their […]

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This and That

Itchy Scalp?

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Itchy Scalp? I have sensitive skin and so does my family.  Our sensitive skin also includes our scalps. When my daughters started digging their heads I thought to try the standard dandruff shampoo.  It didn’t help; actually it only made it worse.  I then turned […]

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This and That

Cover Reveal: Just Desserts

When her friend Julia needed help forming a revenge plan against her ex-boyfriend, Ava was happy to lend a hand. She never expected that in the course of making Liam pay, she’d be the one to fall hard. . .for the one person who was absolutely off-limits. Crushing on the guy who humiliated her best […]

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