5 Tips to
Diapering a Mover and Shaker
A 2 year old comes with a lot of challenges. One day they LOVE something and the next its HATED. Each of my babies created a new challenge as soon as they learned to move. The problem was getting them to sit still long enough to change a wet diaper let alone that nasty one. After raising 5 babies and a grandson I have mastered the diaper change! So here are my 5 tips for getting through a diaper change for a mover and shaker.
5 Tips to Get your Little Mover Diapered Easier:
Number 1: Get a small toy that really interests the little one. Keep it with the diapers and only use it during diaper changes. Word of caution though, if you have a thrower this may not work. One of mine loved to throw the toy right in the poo. So that is how the second tip came along. My grandson likes his little horn.
Number 2: Sing! Get a cute jingle and sing with lots of facial expressions. Use this song ONLY when changing a diaper. It can include a tummy tickle, tweak of the nose or something cute to conclude the diaper change. Ok so this doesn’t work for you either. Don’t fret I have more.
Number 3: Magna doodle. As with the others this is only for use during diaper changes. Scribbling on a screen is very intriguing to little ones and will keep even the terror still during a stinky diaper change.
Number 4: This is always a very last resort. Download an app for babies and/or toddlers and let them play away while you change the diaper. Again be careful of the thrower in this situation. I have my phone in a case that is water proof so I can always wash it for mishaps.
Number 5: When all else fails go with the old saying…if you can’t beat them join them. Go ahead and scream with them. Sometimes mommy loosing her marbles can stop them in their tracks! Use this with extreme caution though if its overplayed it won’t work any more
Bonus Tip: Use a good diaper that moves and shakes with your mover and shaker. I prefer Huggies Diapers. My babies all had sensitive skin and would break out in other diapers. Huggies never did break them out and we don’t have leaks either!
Visit Huggies on Facebook HERE and add a picture of your little mover to Facebook or Twitter with the #SetBabyFree. Your little mover could be on their page!
Huggies is actually doing a #giveaway for money to buy some diapers! $10 paypal cash will be given to a random entrant. To enter fill out the Rafflecopter below