My Parrots and Morals
One of my girls is getting ready to get her permit. We have been covering road rules as we drive on all our errands now. It’s amazing how many people disobey the simplest driving laws. Today while running Z to the doctor we witnessed a police officer doing just that.
He crossed three lanes of traffic without a turn signal or reason. He didn’t turn on his lights or go chasing after a car. My 11 and 9 year old daughters pointed out the officer’s wrongdoing. It’s hard for citizens to follow the rules, when the people enforcing the rules don’t follow them.
I believe in setting a good example with my actions for my children. I try hard to always do the right thing because they are ALWAYS watching. I can tell my children all day not to do something but if they see me do it; they will repeat it just like a parrot.
I was very worried about my kids acting like parrots on a few issues. One big one was smoking. I tried my first cigarette at a very young age. I was a HEAVY smoker all through my 20’s. When Margaret started Kindergarten I decided to quit. My older children will always remember me as a smoker and it may have been too late for them, only time will tell, but my little ones barely remember me smoking.
Another major change I did for my children was my education. I quit school in the beginning of my sophomore year to work and live on my own. I tried to go back numerous times but raising a family made it hard. As Cassandra got into High School I realized I needed to set the example of how important school is. I went and tested for my GED, scored high enough for my diploma and then I went onto college. I graduated with my AS degree the same year Cassandra graduated high school.

Setting the example for our little parrots is important. If you want a parrot to say hello, tell it hello all the time, but don’t walk past it always saying shit, because it will learn to say both! Remember when you talk on your cell phone or texting while driving your children are watching and a soon as they are on their own behind the wheel they will be texting away!

When our children are faced with a moral decision they will remember the way that their role models choose, not the lecture that they received about it. As you go about your day ask yourself “would I want my child to repeat this?” If the answer is no then you shouldn’t be doing it yourself! Be a good role model to your little parrots. They are ALWAYS watching you!
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