Hallmark’s Happy Mother’s Day Card Giveaway

Hallmark’s Happy Mother’s Day Card Giveaway

Hallmark makes the BEST cards in the WORLD! What better place to head to for the perfect Mother’s Day cards! I have 10 of the latest mothers day cards from Hallmark and man are they perfect for every type of mom. Hallmark cards
In June my mom passed on from this world, so I don’t have a mom to send a card to this year. The Giraffe card would of been perfect for her. She loved funny cards and that one is FUNNY! Since heaven doesn’t have a mailing address my girls have decided we should send it to Nana instead!
I am also sending one of the sweetest cards to my grandma. She is like a mom to me and has even helped me with losing my own mom. My husband also picked out the perfect card to tell his mom how much he loves her! Hallmark Mothers Day Card Giveaway
The remaining cards will be filled out by my children and delivered to our local nursing home. What better way to spread the love of Mothers Day and Hallmark! Well Hallmark thought of a great way to spread some love! They are giving away a 5 pack of their Mothers Day cards!!! To enter fill out the Rafflecopter form below:

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