Hallmark, Rudolph, and the Holidays

Hallmark, Rudolph, and the Holidays

Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without a Hallmark! During the Holiday season many people visit their local Hallmark store for their favorite ornament and the best card selections around. Growing up in the midwest everyone knew about Hallmark cards and ornaments! Hallmark, Rudolph and the Holidays go together as well as cheese and wine!
Over the years Hallmark keeps adding products to make memories more special. I received the Rudolph Interactive Story Buddy. Oh my gracious is this package adorable! You read the enclosed book and upon saying certain key phrases, the stuffed Rudolph’s nose glows and he says cute things! My youngest girls (ages 10 & 13) even love it!

One of the key phrases is: just didn’t fit in. Rudolph will respond with “Why am I such a misfit” among other things. Its not the same every time you read the story either! My 18 month old grandson also really enjoys the story! He gets so excited to see the nose light up! I already ordered book 2 Rudolph and the South Pole Toys!


Don’t feel like reading the story for the 100th time, then just insert the disk into a player and you have the book read for you in a great “Santa” sounding voice. Stuffed Rudolph still responds! There is also a great sound for each time your suppose to turn the page.
Hallmark is so AWESOME they are giving one of these WONDERFUL Rudolph Interactive Story Buddy’s away. Please click HERE to enter the contest!
Hallmark also has other great Rudolph products available for this Christmas season. There are the ever so adorable Itty Bitty’s! I have the Santa and Bumble characters. Guess what Hallmark is also giving away a set of these 2 adorable Itty Bitty’s too! Click HERE to enter!!!

itty bittys
Just one more amazing product and I will let you go enter those great contest! This is one that had me so excited I could hardly contain myself! Its the Hallmark Pics ’N’ Props Rudolph and Friends Kit. We have a large family 8 plus a great dane dog. The Pics ’N’ Props comes with 9 great Rudolph characters! Our family was able to each pic our favorites!

rudolph props
I hope you enjoy the Christmas and Holiday season as much as Hallmark and My World Simplified do!
*I received the products in exchange for my HONEST opinion. All opinions are my own and no one else’s

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