

5 Tips to Diapering a Mover and Shaker

5 Tips to Diapering a Mover and Shaker A 2 year old comes with a lot of challenges. One day they LOVE something and the next its HATED. Each of my babies created a new challenge as soon as they learned to move. The problem was getting them to sit still long enough to change […]

Babies, My Crafty Side

Homemade Finger Paint

Homemade Finger Paint Finger paint is fun! I used to make this for my kids when they were all little. Today I made it for my grandson and he loved it just as much. Homemade finger paint is so easy to make. My favorite thing is when William sticks his painted fingers in his mouth […]


Diapers Wipes and Babies

Diapers, Wipes, and Babies “I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies and Target. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” Diapers, wipes, and babies go hand in hand! I have raised 5 babies and am now […]


When to start Solid foods?

When to feed the baby solid food? Its hard to tell when to start solid foods? This is a hard question to answer and you should ALWAYS start with your doctor. There are some signs that he or she is ready though. When to feed the baby has always been controversial within my family. My […]


Baby Bullet Giveaway!!!!

Welcome to the Baby Bullet Food Making System Giveaway! Hosted by:  Savory Savings LoveMy2Dogs and GottaGetMyBodyBack Sponsored by: Baby Bullet Have you thought about making your own baby food, but decided not because you thought it would be too hard or take too much time?  Have you heard of the Baby Bullet?  It is a […]


Cradle Cap

Cradle cap on babies Cradle cap is like extra thick dandruff on a baby. It clumps and sticks to the head and hair. It will continue to get worse if left untreated. Combing it out can be difficult. To make it easier rub in a little olive oil, work it into the scalp and then […]

Babies, Giveaways

Toddler on the go Giveaway

      Welcome to the Toddler on the Go giveaway, hosted by An Ordinary Housewife. This prize package features three great products that are perfect for older babies and toddlers.      Toddler Carrier from Action Baby: This stylish carrier can hold kids up to 40 lbs so it’s perfect for mommies who want to wear their […]


Can you spoil a baby?

Can you spoil a baby? People will tell you not to hold your baby to much you will spoil it. Don’t spoil your baby you will never have a break. So, Can you spoil a baby? I did both raising my 5 babies. Now I am a granny and my oldest daughter asked me if […]


Fussy baby….maybe its gas?

Tummy Trouble Fussy Baby that won’t stop crying. It’s been fed, changed, and nothing works. Chances are it’s a tummy ache. Babies get gassy and they don’t pass the gas so well, especially burping. Sometime you can actually feel the belly and it’s hard as a rock. That’s all excess gas. There are a few […]