Thankful November Giveaway
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November is a month of thankfulness. I am sure many of you have seen on Facebook people listing things they are thankful for everyday for the month of November. So I thought I would turn it into a bit of a game!

Up for grabs is a $5 gift eCard for Amazon. The gift card will be given out Dec 2nd and just in time for some Christmas shopping.

Every day you can leave a comment telling what you are thankful for on that day. This will continue for the entire month of November! The more you enter the better your chance to win!

So what are you most thankful for? Remember not to go to in depth as you want to enter daily and have something for every day. So go ahead start today and show what you’re thankful for. 30 days of November and 30 days to show thanks!!

Today I am Thankful for my mom, dad, and sisters. Without them I would not be who I am today!
Day 2: I am Thankful for God! I don’t ever want to know life without Him!
Day 3: I am Thankful for my amazing husband. He stands by my side and walks through life with me! He is a true blessing to my life!
Day 4: I am Thankful for my 5 children! What a great joy to help them develop into adults!
i am thankful for my family!
Day 5: I am thankful for being able stay home and raise my children! Its an amazing blessing!
Day 6: I am thankful for Grandparents! They mold us all even more than our parents do!
Day 7: I am thankful for the smiles of my Grandson! Melts my heart!
Day 8: I am thankful for a warm bed!
I am thankful for having a great family
Day 9:the convenience on all my electronics
I amthankful for a snuggly little girl on a rainy day