TGIF, Prom, and underclassmen

TGIF this week means PROM! My sophomore N is going to her first prom. She was asked by a senior as a friend. This was something my husband and I had a lengthy debate about. We had a hard time making the choice. In the end she is going. Should underclassmen be allowed to attend prom?
I missed prom as I dropped out of school in the beginning of my sophomore year. I have nothing to remember doing and be like HECK no she isn’t going, like my husband. What was your prom night memories like? Please comment and share your stories with me!
Drinking and driving are the biggest fears. Hotel room and sex are the next fears. The next is the cost. Just a dress is outrageous and then they want hair, nails, shoes, and so on.
I trust my daughter to make good decisions. N has a solid head on her shoulders. She is usually wise beyond her years. I have to trust her when it comes to getting in a car with someone drinking. So this fear was set aside to worry later tonight when she is on the road with others.
My next concern is sex. I am sure you all have heard about tons of people losing their virginity of prom night. I looked up some stats on that and found it wasn’t as bad as the myth I always heard. Here are the stats for that. I also remind myself that my daughter has a previous commitment.
Her commitment is to God. She made a commitment when she was 12 at a silver ring thing tour. She still wears and cherishes her ring. We actually need to get her a new one this year as it’s getting tight. So I guess my concern #2 is taken care of.
The third is the cost. She made this one really easy. She would either buy her own dress or borrow one from her friend. She borrowed one and was planning to wear it. All I had to purchase was a strapless bra. Point #3 is now overridden too!

So she is going to prom!! Next up is the curfew. Her normal curfew at 16 is 11pm. We do occasionally let her stay out later for special events. This was a hard one for me. Prom ends at midnight. It’s not in town either. So we extended it to 2am and she is having her best friend spend the night.
So today is prom. I pick her up from school early and head out to get that bra. She looks at dresses and finds one she likes better. Ok, she buys it and we run to the craft store to get a different ribbon. Finally home and she decided she doesn’t like it either. It’s not fancy enough.
The original dress that she borrowed is a teal (he has blue stripped tie) strapless and short! YIKES!

Dress two is lace with one sleeve and short. Neither is great.

Now come dress number three, (borrowed again, thanks H for saving the day) it’s GREAT, a purple strapless mermaid.

Now to get J (her date) a lavender tie!
Can you believe my teen is so awesome she actually let me post these pictures with bra straps showing and all!
So what is your opinion? Should undergrads go to prom? Please join me in praying for the safety of all these teens out and about tonight!