Happy Memorial Day!
A day to remember all who have fallen fighting for our great country! Most American’s choose to celebrate this day with barbeques and outdoor gatherings. Flags fly decorate the homes and cemeteries around most town in the United States today. Yet many children don’t know what Memorial Day is.

Help your children to understand this is a day to remember all who died fighting in wars to protect the USA. One of my dad’s (I was lucky and got 2 dads) is a Vietnam Vet and Memorial Day was always a day that he remembered friends that he lost during that war. Today he will probably have a few too many beers dredging back those memories. He never told us much of the war. Just that it was bad and he lost a lot of friends.
So as you go off to those BBQ’s remember how many people America has lost so we can have the freedom to celebrate the unofficial start of summer! Happy Memorial Day!