Hallmark Puzzle Review & Giveaway
Hallmark has some amazing products. If you haven’t visited a Hallmark store in a while I would highly suggest you stop by one. There are so many great products and gifts for just about anybody. Now they have puzzles too! My favorite part of the Hallmark puzzle has got to be that the top and the bottom of the box have a large picture so you can both a the “lid” to look at. Its PERFECT!
I recently got the chance to do a Hallmark puzzle with my family. It was the perfect boredom buster for the cold weather blues. The puzzle was also a great way for me to remember my childhood. My family is really into puzzles. Stop by any family members house and more than likely there is a table with a puzzle on it. Actually when I posted a picture of this puzzle to my Facebook page I had a few family members ready to come down and help me do it!
I lost my mom over a year ago and this puzzle reminded a lot of her. She always had silly rules to complete a puzzle. As a kid it drove me nuts that we HAD to do it this way over that way. Now as an adult, I have to follow moms rules for completing a puzzle. Here are my moms tips. I wish she was still around to do puzzles with me.
Some tips to solving the puzzle with less frustrations:
-turn over all the pieces as soon as you open the box
-sort out the edge pieces
-complete the edge first
-find one area of the puzzle that stands out and start there
-next look for another obvious area and then another after that is finished
-leave all the boring fill in sky, ground, or background for last
January 29th is National Puzzle Day and in honor of that day Hallmark is giving away one of their great puzzles to one of my lucky readers! To enter just fill out the Giveaway Tools below. One lucky winner will be randomly selected on February 5th.