Community Garden

We are very lucky to have a community garden in our neighborhood. We can help plant and care for the produce, along with enjoying the food. Our Girl Scout Troop recently went up to the garden and helped plant.

The girls were each able to pick things like carrots, green onions, cabbage and even asparagus. Last week my daughters and I went up and planted some green beans. It’s nice to teach the kids the importance of working together.
I have a little tool caddy I take with me. Fiskars 9424 Garden Bucket Caddy
The garden we go to does have a few tools but you have to use a hand rake to dig a whole. It works but its best to bring your own tools.

I found a website where you can find community gardens in your area. Click Here to search in your area
See if one is in your area. Get the family to help the community. It seems to be a dying art. What will happen in your community if no one helped out.