3 tips to being a better Earthling
Earth Day is right around the corner and there is no finer day to be a better Earthling. What does that mean? Well for me it means taking care of mother earth. Making sure we clean her and make choices that keep our earth from deteriorating more.
I try to get my family involved in conserving our planets natural resources. When the kids were little we recycled our trash into crafts. Now that they are bigger I have them help by trying to reduce our waste year long.
Smart Move Scott® Brand, Smart Move
Without little ones to do crafts, the tubes from bathroom tissue are a pain as no one seems to know how to throw the darn thing away. One thing I found to help is to #TossTheTube and reduce wasting that cardboard tube. 17 billion tubes are made each year and Scott® Brand has learned how to make a roll without the wasteful tube! Pretty smart move Scott® Brand, pretty darn smart!
Its like a win for me as a mom and a win for mother nature too! I recently switched to Scott® Tube Free bathroom tissue and at first thought it was strange, until I noticed that it rolled off just like any other roll, then after the first roll was gone and I wasn’t stuck with the darn tube to throw away I decided I had fallen in love! Reduce waste and save time by taking out the bathroom trash less!
On top of feeling like I am doing something to help, I can also get a great deal ordering my Scott® Brand from Amazon Prime. I can even make it simpler and subscribe and have it shipped monthly! You can also get a coupon to save $2. Reduce waste and order your Scott® Tube Free Bath Tissue without shipping costs. Count me in to #TossTheTube and save money and the earth!
My family also celebrates earth day by going to the inter-coastal waterway and picking up trash. Its an area that a lot of people fish at and the trash adds up fast along the waterway. Each person in our family gets their own pair of gloves and a plastic grocery store bag. Whoever gets the most trash wins a small prize. They get so excited to be helping save the earth but they also want to race to get the most. Its a win win for me because we get to help out and not take all day doing it!
Teaching your kids to be mindful of their impact on the earth is pretty vital to our childrens future. Landfills are filling up fast. Mankind is only growing and needing more space. We need to reduce waste in anyway we can. Using Scott® Tube Free Bath Tissue can help reduce the garbage being sent to those landfills. It is not a huge step but every step adds up. Below are my 3 tips for being a better Earthling

3 tips for being better Earthlings
1: Reduce your waste and reuse containers instead of purchasing storage containers
2: Carry grocery store plastic bags with you and pick up trash at parks or even parking lots
3: Buy Scott® Tube Free Bath Tissue and #TossTheTube reducing landfill waste