Ewww Head lice! Now What?
If you have ever dealt with head lice you know that it can be really difficult to treat. My girls all have massive hair and we live in Florida. Lice happens. We tried the over the counter treatments that your suppose to use twice. My poor Zana had sores all over her head. To make matters worse, it didn’t even really work. Some of the lice were still moving after using it. I think they are immune. This safe and natural lice treatment is a bonus because it leaves your hair silky and shiny too! Actually Margaret wanted it done even though she didn’t have any lice!

Turn to the pantry and fridge instead of the drug store to get a safe and natural lice treatment. I choose to use a suffocation method. Living creatures need air to survive. I decided to cover their heads in thick wet stuff and cover it. We choose mayonnaise and plastic wrap. I covered their heads with mayo from scalp to tips of their hair. I loosely piled it on top of their heads, then grabbed the plastic wrap. I wrapped the plastic wrap around good and covered all the hair I could.

They sat like this for 8 miserable hours. WARNING wear old clothing the mayo gets drippy and makes a mess of the top part of their shirt.

After the long wait remove the cover, add a quarter size amount of dish soap directly onto the mayo. Slowly add water and work the soap throughout the hair. Rinse and wash hair as normal. Squeeze any excess water from the hair and pour white vinegar over the head. DO NOT RINSE. Towel dry the hair. The vinegar helps to kill the eggs and release them from the hair.
Now the most important part. Combing out the nits. A lot of the lice will wash down the drain when you rinse the mayo out of the hair. The nits are the eggs and they stick to the hair. Use a lice comb (you can purchase the one i use from the link below) to comb through the entire head in small sections. The eggs tend to prefer close to the scalp. Also behind the ears, crown, and nape of neck are spots they like.

I suggest repeating the vinegar for 3 days and again on the 7th day after treatment. If you miss one egg and it hatches you have to start over again. We also wash all bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on high heat. Anything that can’t be washed we either toss in the dryer or use the vacuum and immediately dump the vacuum outside. If you used this safe and natural lice treatment, leave me a comment on how it worked for you!