Review: New England Cheese Making Kit #giveaway #homemade

Review: New England Cheese Making

Homemade cheese has been a dream of mine for awhile. I love to make things with my own hands. I looked into ordering the supplies on my own and I was scared about ordering the wrong things. I was so excited to get this kit! Everything in one cute little package! I received the mozzarella kit and was happy to see clear directions (part needed to be stored special) on the outside of the package. It’s nice for a company not to just put that in the directions.
I quickly ran out and bought the gallon of milk and started to make mozzarella. It didn’t turn out. I was upset, so I looked in the directions and found out that the milk I used was ultra-pasteurized and wouldn’t work. So another gallon from another store.
This time I tried to make the ricotta cheese. It worked awesome! The cheese looked just like the one I purchase at the store! The taste was different though, it was so fresh and creamy tasting. Much better than the stuff that is purchased at the store. It didn’t take long to make either, about 40 minutes for fresh ricotta. I plan to make more of this for sure!

My Ricotta
My Ricotta
dinner with my ricotta Chicken cheesy pasta
dinner with my ricotta Chicken cheesy pasta

The next time I tried to make mozzarella I purchased raw milk as the instructions say. This time my cheese came out! I grabbed a taste while I was still stretching it and it was FANTASTIC! I am so excited that I made cheese. We had planned to use the mozzarella in one of the great recipes that come in the directions, but it never made it that far.The kids all gathered around and it was gone in seconds. My poor husband was sad that he didn’t get to even try a bite of it. (Guess I have a great reason to make up another batch.

my cheese curds
my cheese curds

That’s another great thing about this cheese kit; it comes with enough stuff to make about 30 batches of cheese. It also came with the thermometer needed. I am really impressed with this kit. I did find one downside. The directions don’t tell what temperature to start the burner out on. That would have been helpful. I had to search it out online.

My mozzarella
My mozzarella

I would certainly recommend this product to anyone wanting to attempt to make cheese! The great news is that the company has decided to giveaway one of these same kits! Fill out the form below to enter. You can also order one at


*I received the cheese making kit in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed are my own and no one else’s

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