Happy Mother’s Day

My memories with my mom…………………………When someone asks me about my mom, my mind goes straight to Halloween. My mom is SUPER creative and she loved to dress up herself too! One year we dressed up as Rubik’s cubes. Rubik’s 3X3 Cube
My sister S was probably 5 or 6 and she fell in the floor board of the car. She was stuck; screaming and kicking her legs like a turtle upside down. I laughed so hard that I could barely help her up!

One of the best was her dressed up as Aunt Jemima. Thankfully I have a picture of that one! One year she was the yellow pages and wore yellow paper. (sorry no picture) Another she was an old man. Yet another she and I were rabbits and S was a carrot, she was a baby.

My mom is a prankster too! She still loves to tickle dad with a peacock feather from across the room. She was famous at work for pulling pranks, and telling jokes! I went to work with her a lot when I was a kid. She has the BEST sense of humor! I wish you all could meet her!

Looking at old pictures finding ones for this has brought back a flood of memories! I wish I could share so many of them. It was also hard to find pictures of her, especially with her kids. Like most moms, she always had the camera! Moms give up the camera. Get in those photos!!!

I missed a lot of memories with my mom because she was a provider. She worked nights to help make ends meet. She worked hard, sometimes walking to work in snowstorms. We always had what we needed and she saw to it.

My other mom
I had another mom, my Ma. She passes away a few years ago. I loved her for so many reasons. She was ALWAYS there for me. Ma raised me from 16 on. She accepted me and helped prepare me for life. Giving birth doesn’t make a mom. That only makes a mother. Being a mom is so much more and she loved me like a mom. Happy Mother’s Day Ma!

Me as a mom
Being a mom to me means so much. To me, being a mom means slowly preparing your children for adulthood, making sure they are able to deal with society physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I am not a coddler. I believe kids are suppose to fall on their faces and learn to pick themselves back up. Again a skill for being able to cope in society later, I can’t always be there for them. They have to be able to deal with everything.

Don’t get me wrong here I love my children. If they are hurt I am quick to RUN to them as any mom will. I am talking about little things.

Being a mom has been the greatest gift and blessing. Even the bad times, turn into funny stories later. Growing and learning along with my children is amazing. As I write this I am awaiting news of from first baby C. She is overdue with her first child 4 days. I thought this would be her first mother’s day this year; holding sweet little W in her arms and crying over how precious he is, like I did her my first mother’s day.

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL moms!!!