……. Amy’s back to blog another day! As some of you may remember I had a migraine that wouldn’t go away. You can read about it here. I have learned to better live with it and decided its time to write and cook again this year.
First, A little update about my family. I am now an empty nester. My youngest baby moved out in October 2022. So far, all my kids are success, happy, and still around all the time. I truly couldn’t ask for more.

Although I see them throughout the week, we have a month brunch together. So, expect to see some delicious brunch recipes in the future. It’s nice to have grown kids to hang out with.
Two of my girls got married. That was an adventure being mother of the bride! I have another grandson and was able to be in there when he was born. What a blessing that was!

We downsized our home and love it! Moving in the middle of a pandemic wasn’t very fun but we survived. We are all settling into this new chapter of our lives. I also returned to work full-time. I am enjoying being Amy again. I try everyday to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday.

Now, I am sure you’re wondering about the headache. It’s still here, all day, every day. I gave up on medicine and the doctors a few years ago. I struggled at first but have managed the last 4 years to pull my life back together. This year I am trying some lifestyle changes and hopeful it will help.
Next, onto the fun stuff. I want to get back to blogging and creating recipes. I am a busy working grandma now, so I won’t be writing like I did before. I will be posting new content once a month. I’ll also be available for questions, comments, and cooking help on social media and here on the comments. I will be checking in regularly.

This May, My World Simplified turns 10!!! I cannot believe 10 years has passed since I started this journey. I just wanted somewhere to put all my recipes for my kids. It sure did grow into so much more than that.
In honor of my 10-year bloggiversary. I will be doing the old school giveaways related to the top blog posts again. So be on the lookout for those fun giveaways! Any guess what my top post is? So, what have you all been up to? What’s been going on in your lives? Do you have any posts you would like to see? Or Recipes?