Fall is here and so are cozy Soups #FallSoupSeason

Fall is here and so are cozy Soups #FallSoupSeason

fall soup season giveaway

Once October 1st hits I am ready for some cool fall nights. There is nothing more cozy on a cool evening than a warm bowl of soup. Living in Florida has its draw backs; we don’t get our cool fall days until November or December, but it does start to cool off in October.

Save $1 on Progresso soup at Publix

For years we lived in Southern Florida and the weather doesn’t change much. Its hot, hotter, hottest, and hot. We didn’t make soup very often because I grew up in Michigan and my mind thought of soup as a food for cold weather. A warm your bones food. So I never really made soup. Now we live in Northern Florida. There is cooler weather up here and I crave soup but not the kids.

Progresso Rich hearty

Save $1 on Progresso soup at Publix

I solve this by purchasing cans of soup for me to eat for lunch on these “cool” fall days. Now we can go on that hike on my favorite nature trails and come home to a warm bowl of soup without having to slave over a simmering soup all day. I can get my soup fix and be back out enjoying the fresh air.

Publix has the Progresso soups on sale for most of the month of October (2015). The first week the soups are buy one get one free. You get a coupon for $1 off 4 cans of this amazing Progresso soups HERE

What are some of your favorite activities in the autumn? Mine are the nature trails and spending time with friends are our wonderful parks and playgrounds. What are your favorite foods for fall time? Are you into the pumpkin craze? I am. I love both apple and pumpkin. Fall flavors are some of my favorite. I love the squashes and soups too!

Save $1 on Progresso soup at Publix

Fall color

So who would like a little Paypal cash to purchase some Progresso soup? I have $20 ready. Just enter the Rafflecopter below. Winner will be randomly selected on October 23rd, 2015. Don’t forget to print your $1 off 4 cans of Progresso soup.


Save $1 on Progresso soup at Publix

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