Artisan Bread Kits

Mill City Bread
Have you ever wanted to make delicious bread at home? I have, I tried, and I failed. I still try regularly and figure eventually I will figure it out. I know a bread machine can make perfect breads, to me that is cheating and I want to learn to make it with my hands!
Mill City Bread offers a simplified version of making your own artisan style breads. These breads come in a box with a few ingredient packs and directions. The breads I made only had to have water added. How easy is that! They do have to sit and rest for 12+ hours. I received Rustic White, Whole Wheat, Ciabatta, NY Deli Rye, and Bauernbrot.raising dough
Now the down side…….The directions are only for the company’s special baker. I had to go online to their website and some vague directions there. Mill City Breads has a list of best ways to make the breads. Number one of course is their clay baker, number two a dutch oven; that needs to be oven safe up to 400. I know none of mine were safe above 350 degrees. The third option a crockpot. I tried this one and it was a weird. The last is a bread machine, of which I don’t own. mill city bread dough
So I took what I already know about bread and made my own directions. I used a stone baking sheet and I had to let it rise one more time than the directions stated. Once I did that I got the remainder of loaves to come out DELICOUS! The flavors were amazing. artisan bread
They came out with the consistency I was looking for: crunchy crust, soft, springy insides. My kids gobbled up the first good loaf within minutes. My poor hubby never did get to try that one! The next two he did get to try, but they ate it all before dinner was done! We finally ate bread that I made 😀 Rye bread homemade
I would recommend these bread kits to anyone wanting to learn to make bread. Also to someone who doesn’t have time to make traditional artisan breads. These kits are simple to mix and delicious!

*I received the Mill City Bread kits in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed are my own and no one else’s

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