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My mom’s Egg Noodles

My Moms Homemade Egg Noodles

This is my mom (Senior picture) and below is her amazing egg noodles. I make them as much as I can.  They are perfect to make for my Beef Stroganoff.

My mom’s egg noodles:


4 eggs

3 cups flour

1 1/2 tsp salt


I make mine just on the counter without a bowl. Feel free to use a bowl if you wish.  Mix together flour and salt. make a well in the flour and add the eggs.

a well with eggs in it

Use your hand (or a fork) to lightly beat the egg’s, trying not to disturb much of the flour.

lightly scramble eggs

Slowly start adding in more flours with each grab.

slowly mixing flour

Eventually you will have worked in most of the flour.

finally together

With wet hands work dough into a roll-able ball.

wet hands

Now lightly flour the counter and roll the dough. I have a marble rolling pin that works great. You can get it here

start rolling

It takes a lot of muscle work to get it thin.

rolled about half way

Keep working it and do not add much flour. The dough won’t really stick. I usually cut it in half when it starts to get big.

half rolled

Once rolled, let it sit for 30 minutes.

all rolled

Then roll a little again.

first cut

Now use a pizza cutter to slice into noodles the size you would like.

second cut

You can cook in boiling water right away or continue to let them dry. I usually make mine in the morning and let them dry all day.  I have never tried to store them, I always make them and use them right away, to good to wait. #homemadeYUMMY

My mom’s Egg Noodles
Recipe Type: Homemade Pasta
Author: My World
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  1. Mix together flour and salt. make a well in the flour and add the eggs.
  2. Use your hand (or a fork) to lightly beat the egg’s, trying not to disturb much of the flour.
  3. Slowly start adding in more flours with each grab.
  4. Eventually you will have worked in most of the flour.
  5. With wet hands work dough into a rollable ball.
  6. Now lightly flour the counter and roll the dough. until paper thin
  7. Keep working it and do not add much flour. The dough won’t really stick. I usually cut it in half when it starts to get big
  8. Once rolled, let it sit for 30 minutes.
  9. Now use a pizza cutter to slice into noodles the size you would like.
  10. You can cook in boiling water right away or continue to let them dry. I usually make mine in the morning and let them dry all day.



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