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Drunken Strawberry Milkshake

Drunken Strawberry Milkshake

My Drunken Strawberry Milkshake is absolutely mind-blowing! My mother in law and I were sitting around talking about recipes for an upcoming recipe contest with Florida milk. We decided that its hot in Florida and we needed something to cool off both our minds and bodies hence the ice cream and the alcohol!

You can make it a not drunken milkshake and add extra milk instead of the tequila rose for just a strawberry milkshake. This Drunken Strawberry Milkshake is best made with Florida Milk. If you can’t get milk from Florida Dairy farmers thats ok too! I am sure the farmers in your state are awesome as THESE! You can also use the Florida Dairy Farmers website to get their amazing recipes perfect for any where!

Drunken Strawberry Milkshake Recipe


2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup Florida milk
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup tequila rose


Blend all ingredients together in a blender on high until smooth and creamy. Pour in a
2 glasses, Enjoy, and Drink Responsibly!

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