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Cinnamon and Vanilla French Toast

Cinnamon and Vanilla French Toast
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp cinnamon (or ½ tsp cinnamon sugar blend)
6 slices of bread
In a shallow bowl scramble the eggs well. Now stir in the vanilla and cinnamon. Heat a skillet on medium high.

scramble eggs and scramble in vanilla and cinnamon
scramble eggs and scramble in vanilla and cinnamon

Place a slice of bread in the egg mixture, flip over the bread and let set for a few seconds. Meanwhile put a pat of butter in the pan.
soak the bread well
soak the bread well
brown both sides
brown both sides

Add another slice the same way. And put in the pan. Cook until browned and then flip. Brown on the second side and serve with powdered sugar and syrup.
vanilla cinnamon french toast

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