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X Out Review

*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for X Out. I received products to facilitate my post as well as a promotional item to thank me for participating.

X Out Review

Helping Teenagers with Acne

Teenagers have enough trouble with self esteem. They feel compelled to fit in and be like the masses. This is exceptionally important to them. Add acne to all that they already have going on and your going to have some self esteem problems. Those self esteems problems can lead to even bigger problems in school and the community.


One way to help teens deal with self esteem problems is to treat their acne! We recently tried X Out to help with my teenagers acne. I have three teenagers that range from bad acne to hardly any. X Out actually works for all three of them!

My daughter with the least acne and is able to use the spot corrector for those pop up pimples. Her normal daily routine hasn’t had to change at all. When a blemish happens to appear, she can deal with it quickly before it gets HUGE. She is also able to use the shine control for any oily spots she gets!

My other daughter has a medium amount of acne. She normally has 6-8 pimples at a time. She starting using the wash in treatment. After a few uses twice a day she broke out in a rash. We stopped use and called the company. A nice woman on the phone suggested she only use it a few times a week instead. So far so good!

My son has acne pretty bad. He gets it all over his body too! He has never stuck with any acne treatment because it  was to much work for him (lazy boy). The X Out has a cleansing body bar that makes treatment easy for him. All he has to do is take his normal shower except use the cleansing body bar instead of soap. His acne is much better now, even his 10 year old sister noticed the difference!

X Out Spot Corrector 2

I recently had a blemish on my face. It was HUGE and red! I put some of the spot corrector on it and within ten minutes it had reduced greatly! I was pretty impressed. Later that evening it did get red and puffy again but it went down quicker than normal and never got worse.

I would recommend this product to anyone suffering from acne. You can head to  X Out to order your own!

*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for X Out. I received products to facilitate my post as well as a promotional item to thank me for participating.

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