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Salt and Pepper Grinder in One

Salt and Pepper Grinder in One/p>
We use lots of fresh ground pepper. I love pepper in my food. Grinding it fresh makes it a little stronger in flavor. I also like to be able to have a courser grind. Ozeri sent me this salt and pepper grinder to try out. The Ozeri Duo Ultra Salt and Pepper Mill and Grinder, Stainless Steel. It holds both salt and pepper separate from each other, yet in just one container. salt pepper grinder
Filling it is easier than I thought it would be. Just use the bottom piece as a separator (the directions easily explain how to do it) and fill each side. Put the 2 pieces back together and away you go, grinding fresh pepper and salt. You can also select the coarseness of the grinder too!
I am excited about it because I have been wanting to order some Himilayian pink sea salt but I don’t have a grinder and I don’t like having single use products taking up counter or drawer space. I have it ordered and I can’t wait to try it in this grinder. ozeri grinder
The Ozeri duo grinder is easy to use too! Turn one way to get pepper, turn the other way to get salt. Its plainly marked for each so you don’t get confused. The one downside I noticed it the top piece that you turn doesn’t secure well and I have knocked it off a few times.
I would suggest anyone that uses fresh ground salt and or pepper. There were not any serious issues and if you like fresh ground salt and pepper head over to amazon to get it, follow the link below:

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