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Husband Approved Tower Fan

Husband Approved Tower Fan

My husband HAS to have a fan to sleep at night. He is also VERY picky about his fan. So when I received the Ozeri Tower Fan he was a skeptic. He even kept his own fan plugged in just in case. Well the Ozeri Tower worked so well that the other fan is now living in the garage. DSC_8615This fan shouldn’t even be in the same category as a fan. It turns around 360 degrees, and in either direction!!!! Its so simple to use that I didn’t even have to read the directions; which, by the way gives just the right amount of information. There are so many feature’s that I will just have to tell you a few of our favorites.
My husband’s favorite feature is the fan’s power. It blows a strong wind yet doesn’t sound like an airplane getting ready to take off. When he first heard the fan turned on he didn’t think he would be able to sleep with so little noise. Well he knocked out cold that night! There are also different patterns that the fan will blow. You can even have it set to feel like a natural breeze! DSC_8618
His next feature is a fully functioning remote control. He can use the entire fans feature with this cute little remote that doesn’t take up lots of room. There is even a storage spot for it on the fan. The fan has a timer, and my favorite feature the dimmer. The display is bright and colorful. Ozeri figured in the person that sleeps with a fan and made it so you can turn off all those bright annoying lights to sleep. DSC_8622
This fan is perfect for anyone that needs a fan. It would be PERFECT for a small dorm or apartment. It will even fit great in my pop up camper. It is also great for anyone like my husband who needs some white noise to sleep.

*I received the Ozeri Tower Fan in exchange for my HONEST opinion. All opinions are my own and no one else’s!

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