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Homemade Finger Paint

Homemade Finger Paint

homemade finger paint

Finger paint is fun! I used to make this for my kids when they were all little. Today I made it for my grandson and he loved it just as much. Homemade finger paint is so easy to make. My favorite thing is when William sticks his painted fingers in his mouth I don’t feel like we need to run to the ER. My recipe uses only cornstarch and water.

toddler finger paint

We used it on paper, the table, and even the concrete outside. So paint some paper to send to Grandma. Then head outside with your finger paint and paint the sidewalk and driveway! No dusty chalk needed for a custom decorated driveway!

sidewalk paint

Don’t worry either the color washes right off their hands (arms, faces, and legs too!) I am not sure how it comes out of clothing. So use caution with any fabric.
Finger Paint Recipe:

finger paint homemade


2 cups water
1/2 cup cornstarch
food coloring


Place water in a small pot. Put the water to boil on high.
Turn off the stove once the water boils. SLOWLY add the cornstarch, whisking well as you add. If you add the cornstarch to fast it will clump. No worries if it does though just strain out the clumps! (I had to on the first batch)

I separate mine into small bowls and add food coloring (2-6 drops) Let cool and paint away!

To store cover with plastic wrap. If the top layer gets dried out just peel it off, toss that layer in the trash and add a teaspoon of water to refresh to finger paint.

Homemade Finger Paint
Author: My World
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • food coloring
  1. Place water in a small pot. Put the water to boil on high.
  2. Turn off the stove once the water boils. SLOWLY add the cornstarch, whisking well as you add. If you add the cornstarch to fast it will clump. No worries if it does though just strain out the clumps! (I had to on the first batch)
  3. I separate mine into small bowls and add food coloring (2-6 drops) Let cool and paint away!
  4. To store cover with plastic wrap. If the top layer gets dried out just peel it off, toss that layer in the trash and add a teaspoon of water to refresh to finger paint.


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