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Help a Community Project #UltraHug

Help a Community Project

Do you know of a community project that could use $2000? I sure do! My hometown Allegan, in Michigan has a new project that could really use some cash. The project is a community garden available to the public FREE!

So what is the catch to free food? Well it’s pretty simple, just come into the garden and work a little bit. You can help water, weed, or any other garden tasks. In exchange for your work, you get to take some of the fruit and vegetables. Isn’t that awesome?

Your probably wondering where the $2000 is coming from. Well it’s coming from Huggies. Thats correct, Huggies diapers is spreading the love. To enter my community project I just sent a selfie of you and your baby to either Instagram or Twitter with #UltraHug and nominate the community project you wish!


From there you just wait until the voting starts. On July 6th 2015 the voting will begin. The top ten selfie/community project with the most votes will win the $2000. I hope that you will join in the fun and send your picture in. MORE INFORMATION HERE.

Huggies is a great company to give away so much money to such great projects! They also have very awesome diapers! I have trusted Huggies for all 5 of my kids and now for my grandson!

Huggies are snug and fit and fun to play with!

I enjoy the leak protection and he really enjoys the cute characters! These diapers stay put which means baby stays dry. Even during those long nights sleep. Worry free diapers make it simpler to be a mom. Head over to to order your Huggies diapers for a great low price!

Then check out the #UltraHug promotion and enter your selfie and community project. If you don’t have a community project feel free to nominate Positively Allegans Community Garden Project!

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