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Edible Bracelet

Edible Bracelet

As a child I loved to eat those silly candy necklaces and bracelets. I could ride my bike all day and eat one piece every few blocks.  Those were the days! Who else loved to eat those candy necklaces?

I made these with my girl scout troop and we had a blast making them! The girls ate as many as they strung.  It was a fun easter craft for kids to make with little supervision. I used a blunt quilting needle so they weren’t as sharp. No one wants tears with their candy necklace.

These edible bracelets could also be made into necklaces.  Bring the stuff to make them at your next Easter party or even to keep the kids busy on Easter day! These are also great to make all year round!

edible bracelet

What you need:

about 20 Jelly Beans


drop of oil

thread or string

What to do:

We started with the needle and a piece of string long enough to go around the wrist one and a half times. Now dip the needle in some kind of edible oil, preferably coconut oil.

Next put the needle thru a jelly bean and continue until you have enough to go around the wrist.

Tie on and then enjoy a snack on the run! These are great for an easter party or for you to use up extra jelly beans.

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