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Diapers Wipes and Babies

Diapers, Wipes, and Babies

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies and Target. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

Diapers, wipes, and babies go hand in hand! I have raised 5 babies and am now helping to raise my grandson. Diapers are an vital to raising a baby. When my 1st baby was born we used the diapers we were given at the baby shower. We noticed a difference in the brands right away! We would open a pack try a few of the diapers and have to give away the rest of the package. We quickly learned the brand our daughter preferred as she got a rash from all of them but the Huggies!

huggies diapers and wipes

When my other babies were born we didn’t even play around we went straight for the Huggies. About the 3rd one we decided we could save money and switch to a store brand diaper. We assumed that the rash was from newborn skin and the babies were older now so the store brand should work, right? HUGE mistake. That store brand couldn’t hold in the stinky stuff let alone keep them dry overnight. We went through the diapers twice as fast! It ended up costing more to use the cheaper diapers. With my last 2 babies I learned my lesson and just bought the Huggies!

We have learned the same with my grandson. He only wears Huggies snug and dry. He stays clean and dry all night long (and this boy can sleep almost 12 hours). They also stay on him through all his wiggles and waggles. Boys sure do move around a lot! Having a diaper stay put is really important when it comes to stopping leaks. My grandson also likes the cute Disney characters on the diapers! He even loves the boxes that Huggies come in!

Huggies fun

We have also learned that the wipes from Huggies are awesome! They are all natural and usually clean up the messy diaper in one wipe sometimes two. This is because they have triple layers. I love the pop-up tubs that allow you to get wipes individually. We use the wipe to remove make-up, clean public spaces like carts and baby swings, to clean off baby toys, and even to clean my shoes! Aren’t Huggies awesome!!!


Purchasing Huggies is as simple as a trip to Target, they have shelves stocked with all your diapering needs. Although there is an easier way to get your babies essentials. No more packing the baby up and all the gear just to run to the store. Target is now offering a subscription program. You can get automatic shipments on most your babies needs even formula! Never run out of baby’s essentials again! Purchasing Huggies diapers and wipes is even easier now. Just a click away from being delivered to your door!

You can Like Huggies on Facebook or on Twitter @Huggies

You can sign up for Target’s Subscription Program and even get Coupons to save even more on Huggies at Target

~I received compensation for this sponsored post, however my opinions are my own~

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